FYP Rent

FYP Rent

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

Tis the season to give thanks. Although FYP members won't be gathered around a dinner table to feast on turkey and stuffing together this Thanksgiving, we still recognize how much we have to be thankful for as a result of being members of First Year Players at Syracuse University. Aside from the opportunities that FYP provides, being a part of this organization means automatic acceptance and love from hundreds of students on this campus.

Some Renters at Show Reveal
"I'm thankful for FYP because it has allowed me to maintain my theater interest throughout college, while giving me roommates and best friends," says Will McDonald, a Drowsy Chaperone cast member. FYP members often end up living together in the later years of college because they've created such a strong connection with one another.

Regardless of how long each of us has been a part of this org, the gratitude for FYP abounds. How could it not? From organized events to just hanging out to watch a movie, there's always something to do you when you're in FYP. We consider ourselves more than lucky to have this organization in our lives. "FYP provided me with friends and memories I will have for a lifetime, and I could not be more thankful!" says Kelly Egan, a stage crew member of Rent.

"I'm thankful for FYP because it has given me a place to call home on this enormous campus since freshman year," Wedding Singer cast member Lauren Green says. "So much has changed since then, but the love and kindness from every single person in this organization has not—and for that, I am forever grateful." Green provides her answer from a flat in London, where she lives with three other FYP members for a semester abroad.

Drew Muller & Sam McAllister, '14-'15 Producers
"FYP provides a space for me to be myself and be surrounded by people I love and respect," says Andrew Martini, a Rent cast member. "No matter what mood I find myself in, I know there's someone in FYP who can cheer me up." One of the biggest perks of FYP: you can always find someone with a smile plastered on his or her face for us when you need it! And no matter what walk of life you're coming from, First Year Players provides a safe space for you to be yourself.

"FYP has shaped my college experience," adds Sam McAllister, a cast member of The Drowsy Chaperone. "The people within this org inspire me to be better every single day. There are so many diverse talents of people within this org, and it continues to amaze me."

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