FYP Rent

FYP Rent

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Until Next Year...

Over two months ago, we revealed our 2014 show in a flurry of fanfare and theatrics. Since, FYP has morphed and grown the idea of Rent into something that becomes more tangible every day.

Fall semester brings a variety of changes, including new leadership and new members. Our staff has taken the transition in stride.

The combination of fresh positions and people meshed quickly, and Rent took off from the time we announced it. Junior public relations director Lisa Prywes has immense expectations for the organization every year, but even so, this fall’s staff soared past them.

"This year, I really wanted FYP to make a statement on campus. I want our name to be known, as well as the important things we do on and off-campus," Prywes said. "I want FYP to be an environment where everyone feels comfortable and "Finds Your Place." I think every year FYP grows and never ceases to amaze. It is very hard for me to set expectations, because I always know that FYP WILL exceed them." 

With finals quickly approaching (or already happening) and winter break in sight, FYP has completed most of the semester’s work. But we haven’t packed it in for the semester yet.

Our graphics team will reveal Rent’s logo this Sunday, a moment Prywes has anticipated since FYP chose the show. We will also hold one more acting workshop tomorrow, the final chance for prospective cast members to receive some advice before our auditions start January 16.

Staff members look eagerly toward the spring semester and one of the most exciting moments of the FYP calendar- the selection of a new cast. But for some, like junior Jaylyn Noble, the influx of new cast members isn’t the only long awaited addition. She looks forward to the return of the members of her Drowsy Chaperone cast that are studying abroad, as well as the selection of a new cast. 

"I'm looking forward to all the abroad Drowsies to be back and I'm REALLY looking forward to getting 24 new people and making them love FYP as much as everyone already in it," Noble said.

FYP has made a semester of great progress toward our production of Rent, and we couldn’t be more excited to get back to work in January. Next time you read one of our blogs, we’ll be selecting a crop of 24 fresh new faces to join the FYPhamily.  

Have a safe and enjoyable winter break, and we’ll catch you next year!