Unveiling mentors has become an annual spectacle- a series of anonymous gifts leads into staff members exposing their identities with flamboyant outfits, outlandish music, or even choreography. While mentor reveal typically takes place in the spring, FYP added a new ceremony for mentors Sunday.
A number of students join FYP's staff each fall without prior staff experience. This fall's new staff members received mentors to guide them through their first year in the organization, much like the cast each spring. Mentors revealed themselves Sunday with the typical fanfare and wild clothing that accompanies any FYP event.
Attending students learned more about the structure of the organization and its friendly faces while relishing in some musical theater time. If you missed any of these events, don't worry- another general interest meeting will take place Thursday night at 8 p.m. Another acting, choreography, and music workshop will take place in the coming weeks, so please check out our site for more details.
Last but certainly not least, our annual Find Your Place Cabaret will take place Thursday night at 8 p.m. in Stolkin Auditorium. The event showcases a number of talented acts from within our staff and across campus. The $3 entry fee benefits Friends of Dorothy, which provides home care to people suffering from AIDS. We hope you'll come out to see some live entertainment for a great cause!
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